

Please help us make Shawn Michelle's Homemade Ice Cream a household name, here is a list of sites where you can leave comments and reviews and even vote for us as a top ice cream shop.

We need your help to make Shawn Michelle’s Homemade Ice Cream the top rated Ice Cream in Chicago. Here are a few contact names, emails and numbers of the people who make it happen. We are asking that you simply contact them and let them know how much you love our ice cream…

www.yelp.com : write a review of our ice cream and your experience.

editor@forbestraveler.com: let the editor know that we should be in the top places for ice cream when people visit Chicago.

http://www.urbanspoon.com/f/2/115/chicago/ice-cream-deserts : Vote for Shawn Michelle’s and make us the top spot for ice cream in Chicago

ppollack@chicagomag.com : email this editor Penny Pollack and let her know about us and that we should be listed in the top 10 must visit ice cream parlors in Chicago. In addition, you can call them at 312.222.8999

http://cbs2chicago.com/tablefor2recommendation Contact channel 2 and tell them about us.

Please add a review so people know all about us!!!!

Boylan Sodas

If you've never had a Boylan Soda before, you've got to try one, we carry creme soda, black cherry, root beer and orange. Come check them out!!!

Now Open on Sundays

You spoke and we listened, "Gary" We are now open on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. See you after service...


Customer Comments

Thanks for your comments, we really appreciate your feedback, it lets us know we're doing a good job, and when we're not.... Still let us know.

Thanks, The Shawn Michelle Ice Cream Family

Candice said...
The ice cream I had from this place was exquisite! Truly fulfilling and well worth the money!

Anonymous said...
I drove by your shop on Western and I originally walked in looking for a banana split. However, once I tasted the Banana Pudding ice cream, there was no need to eat a banana split! The ice cream was superb! In addition, the husband and wife team running the shop were just super friendly, which made my visit that much better! Great ice cream to go along with superb customer service! What else can you ask for!?

tammy peel said...
I tasted your ice cream at real men cook I passed through your line several times myself. I fell head over heals for your butter pecan. you have found a true convert in me no more store bought for me only shawn michelle.

The Hot Weather of August

Well the days of summer are here and we are looking for everyone to come in and have a scoop of their favorite cool down treat "Our Ice Cream". It's been a pleasure meeting new customers and seeing the friendly faces of our return customers (Mr. Kenny G. ) Please continue to tell your friends about us and continue to let us see your friendly faces. We wouldn't be here without YOU!!! Thanks for your continued support and patronage.

The Shawn Michelle Ice Cream Family!!!


St. Frances Pro Am Bicycle Race

Shawn Michelle's will be one of the vendors in Blue Island's St. Francis Hospital first Pro Am Cycling Classic. This is really exciting and who knows, we might get a glimpse of the next Lance Armstrong during this race. Cyclists from everywhere will be in attendance to participate in this race. Soo stop by our booth and get some ice cream as you anticipate the cyclists on Saturday. Look for April and Gabriel at our booth.

What is it? The Pro Am?

The Point Premium Root Beer International Cycling Classic is world-class bicycle racing where you can enjoy entertainment that is exciting, easy, and FREE! The races are held on city streets or rural roads so there are plenty of good seats. You can stand inches away from the racers along the barriers near the announcer's stage and the Start/Finish line or bring a few lawn chairs or a picnic blanket and find a comfortable spot elsewhere on the course. Most of the race courses are less than a mile long, so the racers will pass by your location every couple minutes.

Once the race begins you'll see speed, LOTS of speed. In fact, you might be surprised by how many similarities there are between our races and stock car racing! You'll feel the rush of air when the riders pass by and see drafting, jostling, and even the occasional pileup. You'll even hear some of the same terminology.

In addition to the races, you can often enjoy live music, children's races, food, and other activities. However, the excitement during the races never lets up. Our race announcers will keep you informed as the race unfolds and there are many mid-race prizes, so when you hear a bell ring watch for the sprint! After the race is over, come over to the stage to see the awards presentations and get an autograph or two!

For more information on the Pro Am Race visit http://www.internationalcycling.com/venue/blueisland.shtml

See you Saturday!!!


Changing Our 95th Street Hours Starting July 13th!!!

Dear Faithful Shawn Michelle customers, we'd like to thank you for your heart felt support of our business @ 332 East 95th Street. It has been a pleasure meeting new people and serving you with a smile. However, as of July 13, 2007 we will be changing our operating hours. We will be open on Friday( 4-8 p.m.), Saturday(12-8) & Sunday(1-6) only!!!Do not fret!!! We are still open at 11925 South Western Avenue every single day. We know it might be a drive for some of you, but it's worth it, you know it is when you get that ice cream craving!!! Thanks again for all of your support, referrals and wonderful smiles. We look forward to seeing you on the weekends at 95th street and at 119th Street any other day.

Many Thanks,
The Shawn Michelle Ice Cream Family